
Recent & Upcoming Speaking

Long ties: Formation, social contagion, and economic outcomes.
Science of the Predicted Human series, Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science

Selected talks with videos

Testimony before US Senate Subcommittee on on Communications, Media, and Broadband hearing on “Disrupting Dangerous Algorithms: Addressing the Harms of Persuasive Technology” (Video)

preview of video of hearing

Long ties: Formation, social contagion, and economic outcomes.
Center for Humans and Machines, Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Noise induced randomization in regression discontinuity designs.
Cornell Center for Applied Mathematics Colloquium.

Noise induced randomization in regression discontinuity designs, with discussion by Michal Kolesár.
Online Causal Inference Seminar.

Seeding with costly network information.
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, University of California, Berkeley.

When experiments are plentiful.
CODE@MIT 2016.

Panel on observational causal inference (with Eytan Bakshy, Guido Imbens & Eleanor Murray).
CODE@MIT 2019.

Estimating peer effects in networks with peer encouragement designs.
Applied Statistics seminar, Harvard IQSS.

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